Preserve, Protect and Promote the Bulldog Breed

Author: Bulldogger (Page 6 of 7)

Member’s Meeting

The PCBC Member meeting will be held via Zoom on Wednesday, January 20, 2021 at 7pm.  Contact Kathy Gray for minutes from the December meeting, Membership Renewal Form and Zoom link.

If you have not sent in your yearly dues and renewal form please print it today and send it out to Kathy Gray at 230 Cardinal LN. Riverside, CA. 92507

Please print form and send to Kathy if there have been any changes in your information: address, phone number, email etc..


Dear Members:  Below is the official PCBC Ballot for the upcoming election set for November 11, 2020, at the General Club Meeting set to take place at the home of Kathy Gray. 
For those of you who cannot make it to the general meeting please mail the ballot to the following address. You must follow the instructions contained in the Ballot to the letter or otherwise face the possibility of having your vote nullified and deemed without effect. 


2018 Valencia St. 

Santa Ana, CA 92706


Pacific Coast Bulldog Club (the “Club”) will prioritize the health and safety of it’s members, exhibitors and others in attendance at these specialty shows. As such, the Club will enforce social distancing rules and other guidelines (“Public Health Guidelines”) implemented by the Governor of California, the County of Orange public health official, or other state or local government agencies in response to the Covid-19 pandemic in force at the time of our shows. These Public Health Guidelines are subject to change at any time, and could, under extreme circumstances, require cancellation of our shows for reasons beyond the Club’s control. The Club will take actions to mitigate health risks to the best of its ability. The Club is pleased to be able to hold our specialty shows OUTDOORS under a very large tent (approx. 20,000 sq. ft.) which will facilitate safe social distancing, including marking off crating areas that are consistent with applicable social distancing guidelines.Other precautions may be taken to adhere to Public Health Guidelines, including limiting the number of chairs around the show ring and requesting that attendees try to stay at least 6 ft. apart where possible, such as when picking up armbands. Those in attendance will be expected to wear a face covering while in the ring and any other time they may be in close contact with others. The Club will not provide ringside seating. Attendees are encouraged to bring their own chairs.

As referenced elsewhere in the premium list, the Club has negotiated a room rate for this event at the Residence Inn Cypress on Katella Avenue. This hotel has direct access to the show site which is approximately 50 yards away. Exhibitors are encouraged to consider booking a room at the hotel so that they and their dogs can wait patiently in an air-conditioned room until close to the time they are expected in the show ring. The Club will ask our judges to allow extra time for exhibitors and their dogs to reach the ring, if necessary, to avoid crowding at ringside.

The Club will adjust its schedule of events as necessary in response to the public health conditions in place at the time of our shows. Los Alamitos Race Course at the present time is conducting live horse races at night without spectators in attendance. It is our intention that everyone enjoy themselves, stay safe, and make the best of these challenging times. In compliance with Public Health Guidelines, the shows will be conducted as private events and no spectators or other members of the public will be allowed to attend. 

Everyone attending will be required to sign a waiver of liability and have his or her temperature taken as a precaution. No one with a fever or otherwise experiencing any symptom of Covid-19 shall be allowed to enter or remain on the show grounds. Although the Club intends to follow Public Health Guidelines, it accepts no responsibility, financial or otherwise, for loss, damage or injury that may occur as a result of anyone’s participation of any kind in these shows.

The Club will provide breakfast hospitality on Saturday and Sunday. There will be no coffee available. Saturday lunch will be a “brown bag” with individually wrapped items.

Saturday evening dinner venue has changed. It will be at El Torito Restaurant at 5995 Katella Ave, Cypress. We will be dining outdoors. Unfortunately, due to occupancy guidelines, there are no more spots available.

Do not forget the Kentucky Derby attire contest for men and women (two winners) which a racetrack official will judge between the two Saturday shows. Special racetrack prizes will be awarded to the winners.

PCBC Specialty Premium

Everyone in attendance is invited to join the Pacific Bulldog Club on Saturday evening for dinner at the actual horse races being run at Los Alamitos Race Course adjacent to the grounds where our specialty show is being held. Admission will be complimentary to Los Alamitos and to the Vessels Club dining room, where we will hold the dinner. Dinner and drinks will be no host and each attendee will be expected to pay for what they consume. The Club will give everyone in attendance a $2 betting voucher to jump start the handicapping. Races normally run from about 6PM to 10PM. What can be more fun than dogs and horses on the same day? Who knows, maybe we’ll all get our picture taken in the winner’s circle! So that the Club can get an accurate count, please advise Kathy Hairston at or Link Newcomb at by Saturday, Sept 13th if you plan to attend the Saturday evening event. We’ll also save a few spots for last minute confirmations too. Last bit of advice, please go to this webpage to review the dress code for the Vessels Club or alternatively just wear your Kentucky Derby outfit, which will be more than sufficient. PCBC is looking forward to a very special day.


2020 PCBC Specialty Weekend – POSTPONED

In view of the Coronavirus pandemic, PCBC will postpone our April Specialty Shows. We felt the safety of our exhibitors, spectators and dogs is our top priority. We are working on finding a suitable date and location in the fall of 2020.

All entries and Catalog Ads received will be returned in full. All trophy donations received will be applied to the fall shows. Thank you for your patience stay tuned for further updates.

Thank you,

Scott Johnson

PCBC Secretary

Membership Renewals

Dear Members: 

If you have not paid in your dues for 2020 the last day that we will accept payment shall be March 25, 2020. After that date you will not be considered a member and if you wish to be part of the club you will need to apply as a new membership subject to club approval once again. 

Also remember that in the event that you fall out of status you will not be given credit towards your lifetime time membership status and the “clock” will start all over again when you join again. 

Therefore please get your dues in along with the renewal application back to us before March 25, 2020. The  March 25, 2020 deadline was voted on and passed at the March 7, 2020, club meeting. WE NEED YOUR DUES. Thanks.  

Christian Peirano

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