Preserve, Protect and Promote the Bulldog Breed

Author: Bulldogger (Page 3 of 7)

Puppy Match 2024

Thank you to everyone who joined us!

Congratulations to all our winners

We’d also like to extend a special shout out to Kim Novak from Sham Paws Self-Service Dog Cleaning in Placentia for attending. Kim, we’re thrilled to have you with us and look forward to building a lasting friendship.

PCBC Meeting Calendar 2024

Club Calendar: Below is a reminder of the upcoming events on our club calendar.

PCBC, Espero que este correo electrónico te encuentre bien. Tenemos algunas actualizaciones y recordatorios importantes para compartir con usted: Detalles de la reunión del club: Nuestra próxima reunión del club está programada para el 11 de abril a las 7:00 p.m. en la casa de Willie, dirección a continuación. Si no puede asistir en persona, únase a nosotros en Zoom – vea también a continuación. Recordatorio de renovación de membresía: Un recordatorio amistoso de que las renovaciones de membresía están previstas para el 1 de abril. Su apoyo es crucial para mantener nuestro club próspero. Sin la renovación de la membresía, no podemos mantener las operaciones del club. Si aún no ha renovado, hágalo lo antes posible. Además, si conoces a alguien que sería una gran adición a nuestro club, te animamos a que lo recomiendes para ser miembro. Visibilidad de las publicaciones de Facebook: Si no ha estado viendo nuestras publicaciones de Facebook en su feed, tómese un momento para ajustar su configuración para asegurarse de mantenerse actualizado con todos los anuncios y eventos del club. Si está interesado en ser agregado a una cadena de texto grupal para actualizaciones rápidas, háganoslo saber y nos aseguraremos de que esté incluido. Calendario de clubes: A continuación se muestra un recordatorio de los próximos eventos en nuestro calendario de clubes.


Date: 4/11  

Location: Willie’s Home Scroll down for Address

Time: 7:00pm

Focus: Final Preparation for Speciality 4/12 – 4/14


Date: 5/25

Location: San Bernardino Dog Show  

Time: 10:00am *Subject to Change

Focus: Select 2025 Speciality Judges 

June – August

Summer Break

*An email will be sent out in August regarding the Futurity match to nominate puppies.


Date: 9/11 

Location: Willies Home Scroll down for address

Time: 7:00pm

Focus: General Meeting/ Back from Summer & Educational Programming


Date: 10/9

Location: Links Home

Time: 7:00pm

Focus: Nominate Directors and Home Breeders Match/Futurity  

*10/11 Director Ballots to be Mailed Out. 


Date: 11/14

Location: Willies Home

Time: 7:00pm

Focus: Elect Directors and Nominate Officers


Date: 12/13

Location: TBD

Time: 10:30am

Focus: Holiday Celebration Brunch 

Willie’s Home Address

1183 Belridge PL.

Corona, CA 92881

RV Canyon Park

24002 E. Santa Ana Canyon Road Anaheim, CA 92808

Puppy Fun Match, Sanction B Match, and Costume Contest Information

Saturday March 9, 2024


Registration Starts:  10:00am – $5

Fun Match: 10:30am

Sanction B Match: Following Fun Match

*Fun and Sanction B Matches are open to standard color bulldogs, 4 months and older

*A Champion of record may not be entered/shown

Costume Contest 

Open to ALL ages and ALL colors of bulldogs

Potluck lunch to end the day!

Where: Canyon RV Park

24001 E Santa Ana Canyon Road, Anaheim, CA 92808                                        

Extra Info: 

We will have a chili potluck lunch. Please bring your own chair. Everyone is asked to contribute, please contact Brenda Newcomb or 405-826-1232 to let her know what you can bring or ask for suggestions. We need things that go with chili as well as paper goods (plates, bowls etc.) and water.

Lastly, please bring a crate for your puppy to wait in while we have lunch and a meeting. 

Tonight’s meeting at 7 PM to ZOOM only.

Due to the rain and out of an abundance of caution, we will be moving tonight’s meeting at 7 PM to ZOOM only.

Lana Clay-Monaghan is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Meeting ID: 871 5008 1517

Passcode: 116716

2024 Calendar Dates

Happy Saturday!

As a friendly reminder, our club meetings are crucial for decision-making, and we need quorum to make them official. Your presence matters, so let’s make our next meeting count! 

2024 Calendar 

Date: 2/7 

Location: Willie’s Home

Time: 7:00pm

Focus: Choose Judge for March Match


Date: 3/9

Location: Canyon RV Park

Entry Time: 10:00am 

Match Start Time: 10:30am 

Entry Fee: $5.00 

Focus: Fun Match and Chili Cook Off 

/Speciality Preparation


Date: 4/11  

Location: Willie’s Home

Time: 7:00pm

Focus: Final Preparation for Speciality 4/12 – 4/14


Date: 5/25

Location: San Bernardino Dog Show  

Time: 10:00am *Subject to Change

Focus: Select 2025 Speciality Judges 


Summer Break


Summer Break


Summer Break

*An email will be sent out regarding the Futurity match to nominate puppies.


Date: 9/11 

Location: Willies Home

Time: 7:00pm

Focus: General Meeting/ Back from Summer & Educational Programming


Date: 10/9

Location: Links Home

Time: 7:00pm

Focus: Nominate Directors and Home Breeders Match/Futurity  

*10/11 Director Ballots to be Mailed Out. 


Date: 11/14

Location: Willies Home

Time: 7:00pm

Focus: Elect Directors and Nominate Officers


Date: 12/13

Location: TBD

Time: 10:30am

Focus: Holiday Celebration Brunch 

Willie’s Home Address

1183 Belridge PL.

Corona, 92881

RV Canyon Park Address

24002 E. Santa Ana Canyon Road

Anaheim, CA 92808

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 886 5956 7769

Passcode: 018361

General Meeting

We hope you have had a great summer! We welcome you back with open arms. Before the National show we hope you will join us at our General Meeting 

Date: 9/6/23 

Location: Villa Park City Hall

Time: 7:00pm PST


2023 General Meeting Dates

October 11th

November 4th

December 16th 

Buenas noches, PCBC,

¡Esperamos que hayas tenido un gran verano! Te damos la bienvenida de nuevo con los brazos abiertos. Antes del espectáculo nacional, esperamos que te unas a nosotros en nuestra Asamblea General

Fecha: 6/9/23

Ubicación: Ayuntamiento de Villa Park

Hora: 19:00 PST


Fechas de la Asamblea General de 2023

11 de octubre

4 de noviembre

16 de diciembre


Dr. Lana Clay-Monaghan, EdD

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